Thursday, July 8, 2010

New Class Sessions Starting in August

We're in the process of updating our website (which is why it still says 2009), but we really do have classes beginning August 19, 2010!
Here's a complete list with the time that each class will meet:
Apologetics - Saturday 1 - 4 pm
Anglican History - Sunday 1:30 - 4:30 pm
Book of Common Prayer - Saturday 8 - 11 am
History, Role, and Meaning of the Diaconate - Saturday 1 - 4 pm
Homiletics - Friday 6-9 pm
Moral Theology - Sunday 1:30 - 4:30 pm
New Testament I (the Gospels) - Saturday 4 - 7 pm
Old Testament Survey (fall only) - Saturday 8 - 11 am
Pastoral Care - Sunday 1:30 - 4:30 pm
Sacred Music - Saturday 8-11 am
Sacramental Ministry of Deacons - Saturday 8-11 am
Sacramental Theology (fall only) - Saturday 8-11 am
Spiritual Theology - Friday 6-9 pm
Spiritual Leadership of Groups - Friday 6-9 pm
Systematic Theology - Saturday 4-7 pm
Youth Ministry - Saturday 1-4 pm
The Stanton Center offers small classes, a great faculty, and an opportunity to be part of a group of people who enjoy discussing every aspect of the Christian faith. Want to know more? Email or call 214-823-8134 and ask for Deacon Nancy Powers.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Stanton Center Graduates

Dr. Ashley Classen and Mrs. Debra Jones each received a Diploma in Ministry under the Titus Project guidelines at the Stanton Center graduation ceremony on May 15, 2010. The Rt. Rev. James Stanton, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, and The Very Rev. Kevin Martin, Dean of the Stanton Center, were on hand to give Ashley and Debra their diplomas. The graduation Eucharist was followed by a luncheon in the Great Hall attended by the graduates, family members, and Stanton Center instructors and students. We congratulate our two graduates and look forward to a summer break before classes begin again in August!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stanton Center classes are finishing up this weekend

With the last weekend of classes now in sight, Stanton Center students are busy studying, reflecting, and writing those final papers. I'm sure everyone is looking forward to our break during June and July before we return in August! We will be saying a fond farewell and congratulations to two of our students who have completed their studies - Ashley Classen and Debra Jones. Both are in the process for ordination (God willing) to the transitional diaconate and eventually to the priesthood. Bishop Stanton will be giving them their diplomas on Saturday at 11:15 in the Cathedral. Everyone is welcome to join us as we give thanks to God for another great year of theological study at the Stanton Center and congratulate Ashley and Debra on their achievement.

Monday, February 22, 2010

February is a busy month at the Stanton Center! We have our Lenten Quiet Day next Saturday, Feb. 27th, at St. Luke's from 9 to 3. We will be exploring various types of prayer and enjoying some great fellowship.

Catalogs for the 2010-2011 school year (which begins in August) are now available. We will begin registration in April. Be sure to check out the new Lay Leader Certification Programs, which are required for licensing by the Diocese in some areas of lay ministry.

We are lookiing forward to our 3rd Annual Vestry Seminar on March 13th! If your church would like to sign up, please contact Deacon Nancy Powers at . Last year over 150 people came, and all agreed it was a very informative day.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

New classes begin!

Classes at the Stanton Center began this weekend, August 21st - 23rd. Twenty-eight students have signed up for one or more courses at the Stanton Center this year and are looking forward to participating in this community of people who are committed to learning more about the Christian faith. If you missed the first day, it's still not too late to add a class - just contact Deacon Rosemary Trei, our registrar, at for information. Stanton Center students, check out our new Facebook site (students only).

Friday, July 10, 2009

Register Now for Fall!

We are currently registering students for the '09-'10 term at the Stanton Center. Anyone who is interested in learning more about the Christian faith may register for credit (write the papers, get the grade) or audit (read, listen, learn with no written requirements). If you have a desire to go deeper, learn more, and become part of a community of people serious about their faith, contact Deacon Nancy Powers at 214-823-8134, ext. 228 or for more information about available classes, scheduling, and tuition costs. Don't wait - classes start in August!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Rosemary Trei Ordained to the Diaconate

Stanton Center Registrar Rosemary Trei was one of five candidates ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons on Saturday, June 6th at St. Matthew's Cathedral. The five new deacons (pictured left to right with Bishop Stanton) are: The Rev. Freda Brown, The Rev. Mary Lessmann, The Rev. Thomas Kincaid, The Rev. Michael Cover, and The Rev. Rosemary Trei.
Deacon Rosemary will continue to serve as the Registrar for the Stanton Center (yeah!) and has been assigned to serve at St. Luke's Episcopal Church in her new role as a deacon. We are so proud to have Deacon Rosemary, a Stanton Center graduate, ordained as a deacon in Christ's one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church. May God continue to bless her and her family!