Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Events

Archdeacon Diana Luck and I are attending a conference of the North American Association for the Diaconate ( this weekend in Jackson, Mississippi. The focus of the conference is Deacon Formation That Works. We're excited about sharing ideas with other Archdeacons and Directors of Deacon Formation across the country - there are people here from as far away as Hawaii!

Meanwhile, the Stanton Center is holding class this weekend in the capable hands of Rosemary Trei. Check in with Rosemary if you want to find out more about our Stanton Center Quiet Day on April 4th or the Evangelism in a Post-Modern Society conference on March 28th.

Registration for next year is beginning soon, so contact the center ( if you are interested in finding out about the classes that begin in August of '09!

May the grace of Christ be with you as you seek his will for this day and for your life!