Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Dr. Wells to speak on Thomas Aquinas

Thomas Aquinas is considered to be one of the greatest (if not the greatest) theologian in the history of Western Christianity. Dr. Christopher Wells has just completed his Ph.D. at the University of Notre Dame, where he specialized in the history of Christian theology, and Thomas Aquinas in particular. Dr. Wells will speak at St. Matthew's Cathedral on Tuesday, December 9th at 6 p.m. on the intriguing topic Sacraments of the Incarnate Word: Thomas Aquinas on the Passion of Theology. The cost is $20 and a light supper will be served. To register email

Friday, August 29, 2008

A new year has begun!

Classes at the Stanton Center got off to a great start last weekend. We are pleased to have more students enrolled this year, particularly some who are part of the new Titus Project for training clergy for rural churches.

We are also pleased to welcome our new instructors this year - Bishop Suffragan Paul Lambert, who is teaching a class in Moral Theology, and Canon Neal Michell, who is teaching Anglican History. If you are interested in signing up for one of these or any of our other classes, the deadline for adding a class is September 20th.

Call Deacon Nancy Powers at 214-823-8134, ext. 228 to register.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Bishop Suffragan ordained

In a beautiful service at St. Michael and All Angels today, Paul Lambert was ordained as Bishop Suffragan in the Diocese of Dallas. Paul has been serving as the Canon to the Ordinary for many years, so he is a familiar face to most of us, but we are looking forward to seeing him in his new hat! (OK, new mitre.) We are also looking forward to seeing him at the Stanton Center starting in August - he has agreed to join the Stanton Center faculty! Keep an eye on this blog for more details!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Sacred Music

Do the hymns we sing on Sunday have any theological meaning, or are they just "window dressing" for our worship service? What's the difference between Anglican chant and Gregorian chant? What's "plainsong"? Find out the answers to these questions and everything else you always wanted to know about church music in "Sacred Music", a course being offered at the Stanton Center beginning in August. For more information, email .

Monday, June 2, 2008

New Testament Greek Class Starting Today

It's not too late to join our summer class in New Testament Greek. The class begins this evening at 6:30 in Garrett Hall at St. Matthew's Cathedral and will run for eight weeks. This class is being offered on a pass/fail basis (no worries!)
and will be taught by Andrew Van Kirk. Please email for more information
or just show up at 6:30 today.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Stanton Center Graduation Day

Bishop Stanton conferred a Diploma in Ministry upon graduate Rosemary Trei today. Rosemary has completed her theological studies, which included fifteen courses, each one representing thirty hours of class time and many hours of study and writing. Rosemary is a postulant for ordination to the diaconate in the Diocese of Dallas and will be completing a unit of Clinical Pastoral Education at Parkland this summer. Congratulations, Rosemary, on this outstanding achievement!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Bishop Patterson Award

Congratulations to Nate Bostian, the winner of this year's Bishop Donis Patterson Award for Excellence in Evangelistic Preaching. The award was sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas and the Stanton Center for Ministry Formation. Nate preached his sermon for the students and faculty of the Stanton Center at the Eucharist on April 19th, after which Bishop Stanton presented the $1000 award to Nate and his wife Kim. Nate is the chaplain at SMU's Canterbury House and will be receiving a Master of Divinity degree from Perkins School of Theology next week.

Monday, March 24, 2008

New classes start in August

Looking for a way to grow spiritually? Want to really understand the Bible? Consider making the Stanton Center a part of your personal growth plan. New classes start in August and it's not too soon to start thinking about signing up for one. Stanton Center classes meet one weekend a month from August through January. Course offerings include: New Testament, Old Testament, Spiritual Theology, Youth Ministry, Pastoral Care, Systematic Theology, Anglican History, Historical Theology.....Not sure what all of those names even mean? Contact me at and I'll be happy to help you find the course that meets your needs.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Join us for a multi-cultural Eucharist on Saturday at 11:15 in the Cathedral. Fr. Tony Munoz will conduct our service in Spanish. He will be assisted by Deacon Phyllis Doty. Even if you don't know any Spanish, this service will give you a sense of the universality of our liturgy. See you there!

Go Greek this summer!

The Stanton Center will be offering an eight week summer course in New Testament Greek. After completing this course, you will be able to use resources for reading the New Testament in the original Greek. The course will meet two evenings a week beginning in June, Monday and Thursday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuition is $195. Contact Nancy Powers at for more info or to register for the class.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Hello and welcome to the new blog for the Stanton Center! Here you'll find news, photos, and discussion from The Right Reverend James M. Stanton Center for Ministry Formation at St. Matthew's Cathedral. Content by the Rev. Canon Nancy Powers. Blog design by Stephanie Powers.